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Grow Those Positive Reviews

Read Time: 4 minute(s)

Let’s start with a rhetorical question: Which website would you click on when searching on Google – one with 47 x 5 star reviews or one with no reviews?

You don’t need to be a digital marketing expert to know that increasing positive Google Reviews is a very powerful strategy to increase leads to your site, especially if you’re running a Google Ads campaign.

Which is why we’re often asked: “How do you encourage and gather good Google reviews for our business?”

Before we answer that question, let’s get something straight. This strategy will only work if:

  • You are running a good business 
  • You are offering high-quality products or services 
  • You are giving your paying customers the service they deserve

If you’re running a business that ticks those boxes, here are some strategies to grow your positive Google reviews… without too much effort.

Direct Email

Here is a simple one: send out an email to your customers, with a brief message asking them to spare 30 seconds of their time to provide a positive review of their experiences. And ensure that in the email you have a direct link to the reviews page of your My Business profile on Google to make it easy for them.

To get the link to your Google reviews page:

  1. Go to your google browser
  2. Search your business name and location to find your Google My Business listing. 
  3. Click on the reviews button and this should bring up a new window (lightbox) on the screen
  4. Go to your browser address box to copy the URL (full string of text)
  5. To check if that works, open a new window (or go incognito) and paste the URL you copied – it should take you straight to your review page. 
  6. Once you see this works, keep this URL handy for the next phase.

 Here’s some sample text you could use for your email:

Hi [Client name],

As we have been working together for a little while now, and we’ve been [insert how you help them eg. helping your business grow], I would like to ask a small favour, though there is no obligation.

When you have a spare 30 seconds, would you be able to fill out a short review on Google detailing your experience with our business?

Here’s a link to the review section of our Google Business profile [insert the link you copied from above and make the preceding 3 words the hyperlink using that link]. You may be required to log into your Google profile when doing this.

Thanks in advance, and if there is anything you need us to do please let us know.


[Your Name]


Next time you meet with a customer face-to-face, and you feel like the relationship with this client is strong, politely ask them the same as above, and provide them with a way to do it on the spot so that they can get it done ASAP (and they don’t forget about it later). 


Here is one that might require a small outlay, but will ultimately end up providing the business with greater scope to grow and make money in the future. After the email blast mentioned above, send out a follow-up email with an incentive (eg. a small gift or a discount on future services) in exchange for their time in providing you with a review. 

Automated Tools/Software

There is also a growing range of tools out there to help you do this at scale, growing your reviews fast and with little ongoing effort (once it is set up, it all happens behind the scenes). 

Some of these automated systems use advanced technology where they first solicit a rating for feedback. If the client selects 4 or 5 stars, then they are directed to fill out a review on Google or Facebook. If they fill out something lower (such as 1-3), then they are directed to a feedback form so they can send you feedback and you can engage with them on how to improve their experience with your company. 

Such tools to look into are:

  • Signpost
  • Demandforce
  • HubSpot
  • Yext
  • LocalVox
  • Yodle
  • Act-On
  • Pardot
  • Sailthru
  • CrowdTwist and
  • Email Insights

While there are many ways to grow your positive Google My Business reviews, these strategies simple, quick and likely to boost your positive reviews immediately.

Now it’s time to get back to providing the great services or products that your customers expect.

How much do you take reviews into account when choosing a product or service provider?

PS: if you have found this article useful, perhaps you would like to consider writing a positive review for us as we’ve just launched our new Digital Autopilot site. Click here to review. Sorry, I couldn’t resist ; )

  • headshot or Raph Sebbag on white background

    With 15+ years of PPC & SEO marketing experience, Raph is obsessed with delivering tangible and life-changing results for his clients, often generating 8x or more ROI. On the home front, he's a dad to five great kids, but his amazing wife would argue there’s a sixth kid in the mix (guess who that is!) - to help around the house, he gets out of everyone's way through therapeutic mountain biking!

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