The Secret Behind Getting Unlimited Clicks With Google Ads
[Spoiler alert! If it’s too good to be true, then it probably isn’t!]

There’s a very sneaky marketing tactic that some companies of less repute use, in trying to get people to sign up and use their services. Their sales pitch is, “We can get you unlimited ad clicks for a fixed fee, as we are a specialist Melbourne Google Ads agency and because of that we get special rates with Google”.
Sounds like the PPC nirvana right? You get special rates with Google – you just pay one fee and you get unlimited clicks.
But as the saying goes, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.”
So as one of our clients was approached about this, we entertained the thought, and had a chat with this company offering this amazing deal of unlimited clicks, explaining that I was the marketing manager for Client X. I played dumb and asked as many questions as possible about how they do it.
Let me get straight to the point – it’s one BIG SCAM – 100% undiluted misleading advertising!
Basically, the way it works with such offers is that for one keyword (which means it does not work for campaign without keywords, such as Google Shopping Ads, Google Display/Remarketing Ads or Youtube Ads), they will give you unlimited clicks for a fixed fee. Because they know that there is only a certain number of searches that happen (on average) per month for that specific search word. So, they know the approximate costs for it, add a markup and then charge you a flat fee knowing they will not lose out and you get “unlimited clicks” or “uncapped clicks” – for that one search term!
For example, they will charge you $5,000 for [widget repairs], but it will be one keyword. Because they know based on their research, that it is not going to spend more than $3,000 per month. So, if you want to get unlimited clicks for more keywords, not just that one, then they will say, “Okay, well, you have to pay $30,000 a month.” Even though the actual costs might be half that. The quote they gave our client was $30,000 per month for a list of 30 keywords for this national client but the client was only paying between $15,000-$20,000 per month for many more keywords and getting close to 90% impression share, meaning they were getting close to 90% of the eligible searches out there with hundreds of combinations of searches.
Also, people search in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways, plus add to the way people search, voice, phone desktop, it can vary. So, this means there can be dozens if not hundreds of combinations of searching for a small set of products or services. This means you would be limiting yourself to one or a small set of keywords and getting ripped off at the same time – don’t fall for it!
Also, NOBODY has any special bulk buying access with Google. NOBODY!
Except for Google of course.

I hope that debunks the myth of unlimited clicks for one fixed fee. If you ever get contacted by one of these companies, if you want to entertain the thought, ask questions. But practically it is not worth your time to entertain such fantasies.
If you have any questions on how you can achieve REAL results using battle-tested AND kosher approaches through a recognised Google Ads Partner then reach out to us, we will be happy to help or sign up for a free Digital Marketing Strategy session where we will help you uncover ways to grow your business fast.