List of Sydney Suburbs by Distance & Direction from CBD
As a Google ads agency, we are often required to build very localised campaigns, mainly for urgent or high-demand services. A significant segment of people searching for such services do so by searching for the service + the suburb.
Whilst we have not tested it yet, it could work in reverse for shopping ads, by using the list as negative keywords in a multi-level shopping ads campaign.
Whilst Google has a feature for location insertion, we found it was not always accurate and it was only as good as the information Google knew about the user. So we decided to create a way that we could scale across hundreds of suburbs very quickly and the way to do that was to compile a list of the suburbs, in this case for Sydney and then we could build out ad groups, ad text and keywords all specific to the suburb.
This helped us lower cost per conversions, increase conversion rates and click-through rates for our clients.
So we decided, why not share this suburb list with the wider public, whether it’s for Google ads, SEO or even non-marketing needs.
So if you are looking for a list of Sydney Suburbs? Look no further!
Below is a list of all Sydney suburbs by distance and direction from the CBD.
Feel free to sort the list alphabetically or by distance or direction. Alternatively, you can copy the sheet to an excel or Google Sheet and add funky filters that will allow you to view suburbs by their distance from the CBD if, for example, they are in the eastern suburbs.
The Glorious List
Click here to see and copy the sheet
Looking for ways to use this list? Need inspiration?
We’ve utilised a similar list in Melbourne and you can read how we did that over at our Melbourne suburbs list blog.
If you still need more help feel free to get in touch and we’d be happy to help.